Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rough Patch

My dearest friends are like family. Never having a blood sister I made up for that with the best friends a girl could ever ask for. We've been there for each other through thick and thin, and I've always, always felt incredibly grateful for these relationships.

In high school we were nerds. I don't mind admitting it. We were outcasts, and having abnormality in common was the thing that actually bonded us. Like that song from Pink says, we were "too school for cool" and "wrong in all the right ways." In fact, it would have been nice to have that song back then, but we managed just fine without it.

We had each other's backs, and because of that we weren't afraid to just be ourselves and love each other unconditionally... flaws and all. I don't think we had any idea at the time the life-long relationships we were building, but, to me, now it's glaringly obvious that I would do anything in the world for these girls.

We weren't without our drama. No group of friends is. When the drinks were flowing like a mad rapid river, so did tempers, love affairs, betrayal, and cracks in our foundations. We've been young and stupid, making decisions which were not only idiotic but also life threatening. We made it through it all, though, learning the meaning of forgiveness and the healing power of time and tears.

Then the country took a turn. Collectively, as a nation, everybody is tightening the belt, feeling the pinch, and re-evaluating habits that landed us in this position. My sisters, too have had to deal with a downturn.

This past year has found us all grasping for something to save us. One of my friends lost her first born child. We watched her lower the baby girl into the ground in October. Another one learned the painful reality of divorce, and still another lost family members which were large influences on her life. The rest of us are dealing with unemployment, money problems and relationship woes.

Still I know a box of Kleenex, a hand to hold and a reassuring hug will always be available in these times of need. Girl talk can do wonders for a soul. It may not solve your problems, but it can get the weight off and help you lighten the heavy load of burden.

So when one of my friends finds herself wanting to break down, crumble and fall apart, I hope she knows she can do it on my couch while holding my hand. Because, like all things, life has an ebb and flow. Just because we're in the ebb right now, that doesn't mean that we won't find ourselves in the flow again. Life changes. It tricks you, misleads you, knocks you down and dares you to get back up again. It's hard. But we can help ease that turmoil just by being there for each other. Sisterhood, unlike life, is beautiful and forever.

1 comment:

  1. Not only were you girls like sisters, I think of some of them like daughters, and as a mom I too hurt when they hurt. I also hurt when as friends / sisters you hurt each other, but as long as you always remember the love that you have for each other, like real siblings you will find ways to forgive and forget, because family love is unconditional.
