Gotta love it! I've always been a huge dreamer. Some people say they don't dream, or, if they do, they don't remember their dreams. Some people only dream in black and white. Others dream like they're watching them selves while some dream like they're living in the dream. My dreams are always in color, always fast paced, and always from my point of view. I never know what's going on in them, and it's usually not until I wake up that I can make any sense of them.
I'm a big fan of dream interpretation. Did you know that one of the most common dreams had among the masses is the dream where your teeth are falling out, crumbling or rotting? A literal interpretation would suggest it's time to go to the dentist. But that's not the case at all... you're teeth are probably just fine. It's actually suggested that dreaming about this is indicative of insecurities surrounding how you feel others perceive you. Weird, huh?
Another common dream is the one where you're being chased. I have this one often. I don't have it where I'm literally running and somebody is behind me, but rather I'm trying to outsmart somebody to reach a goal before they do. Sometimes, though, they are actually after me. These dreams are reflections of how you deal with stress in your life. You either run from it or try to outwit it. The thing your running from is either an aspect of yourself, or a stressor that's in your current life.
The Dream Dictionary has been helping me decode my dreams for years. I now know when I dream about my grandparent's house (which I can't say anymore since my uncle's step-daughter now lives there... ugh) or the house I grew up in it means I'm dreaming about my own psyche and different parts of it. When I was dreaming (almost every night) about the house shifting, changing and growing, I was going through my own personal changes and changes in my belief structure.
So, since the meaning of a dream is rarely literal, it's safe to assume that a sex dream really doesn't mean that you want to have sex with that person. Furthermore it also probably doesn't indicate that you need more sex in your life (although it could). In order to understand your sex dream you need to break it down... look at all of the details and figure it out from there. More often than not it's a sign of self completion. You're probably very secure with yourself and where you're at, but there's one or two more aspects of your character you'd like to finalize. To figure out what these are, look at the partner in your dream. Whatever aspects they have are the aspects you want or need to feel like the complete version of yourself.
Despite whatever the meaning might be, sex dreams are hot. Scratch that... they're hawt. I have to fan myself just thinking about the one I had the other night. It was with the guy I was totally into in high school. I used to dream about him all the time (you know, back when I was younger and less experienced with men). He's been absent in my dreams for a while, but I do enjoy it when he stops by for a visit... because more often than not it turns into a sex dream. He's married in real life now, but that doesn't mean I can't think naughty thoughts about him... right?
I've always wondered if the people we dream about are also having the same dream about us. I especially think this when the dream is vivid and feels so real that when we wake up we have to remind ourselves that it didn't just happen. So... if my high school crush is reading this and saying to himself "oh my god, she had that dream too?" let me know... or don't. The mystery is half of what makes dreaming awesome.
What a zany post.