Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Music

I've been known to be a Grinch. A Scrooge. A Bah-humbuger, if you will. And this isn't a recent development. I've been this way since my late teens. Something about the Holiday Season gets me down and makes me kind of cranky.

Don't get me wrong, I participate. I shop. I go to Christmas Parties and dinners. I watch Rudolf. I (usually) go to the parade and wave at Santa. I even go to Christmas Eve Church Service... every year I do these things. Yet, somehow, something inside of me wants to fight Christmas.

Let's face it. Nobody likes to go Christmas shopping. Nobody likes those crowds. Personally, I procrastinate on it every year. I can't stand the stupidity that usually accompanies it. Honestly, the best part of Christmas shopping is when I've bought everything on my list and I'm in my car heading home.

And when I'm in my car, my station isn't tuned to any station that plays nothing but holiday jingles. The soft rock station in St. Louis starts exclusively playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure one of the country stations is in on it, too. And all I can say to this is, really? Really? you're playing Christmas music for nearly 2 whole months out of the entire year? NOTHING but Christmas music? Ugh...

I used to like Christmas music. I can remember being a child and happily chanting the words to several Christmas carols. But somewhere along the line I started to overdose on it. For three years in a row (THREE) I had the serious mis-fortune of being in a class which was selected to sing "Oh Christmas Tree" for the Christmas Program. Well, I guess it was only two years. In the third year they tried pulling a fast one and had us sing "O Tannenbaum" instead. Really? Yes. Really.

To this day, if I hear the tune to "Oh Christmas Tree" I want to punch myself in the face. Sometimes I wonder what Christmas music does to other people's memories. Are there people in this world who freak out whenever they hear "O Holy Night"? And if there are people like that, what guarantees do I have that they won't be standing in line next to me when that particular song comes on over the invisible speakers at the mall... while I'm shopping... which I hate to do? I just hope they punch themselves in the face and not me.

Then... with a stroke of brilliance I thought to myself, "What can I do to always ensure I'm singing Christmas music, even though I dislike it so much?" And while this wasn't the entire reason... I joined Choir at a young age. Year after year I spent months singing Christmas music as my extracurricular activity. It was purely voluntary. I overdosed on Christmas music by the age of 17 and I have nobody to blame for it but myself.

There has always been one exception to the rule. Church. On Christmas Eve, when I'm in Church, singing from the hymnal, I love Christmas music. When the lights go low and everybody is holding a candle, singing "Silent Night," it's nothing short of magical. Despite the fact that I'm not religious, even the grumpiest version of myself can recognize breath taking beauty. And if you haven't experienced something that spiritual... I highly suggest you do.

This year hasn't proved to be all together different. I'm skipping over the Christmas stations with haste... as if listening to a few notes of Wham's "Last Christmas" will chip away at my very exterior. Even when there are commercials on the other stations I will only listen to the Christmas if it's Karen Carpenter or Bing Crosby. So, it seems that my usual grumpiness is here, right?

Wrong. I've found another exception to the rule. Television commercials.

Okay, I know it's wrong to be a couch potato and be totally in love with television commercials. But I'm an unemployed writer. So... yeah... I'm a couch potato totally in love with television commercials. My favorites include the Pier One talking accessories, and any new Christmas music. New music includes the one with rap starting out with "I'm gonna get it. I know I'm gonna get it." Then there's the "You'll Never Find My Christmas" one for Target. There's a Hershey commercial that has a mash up of "Carol of the Bells" and "I'll Stop The World to Melt with You." And I love it! I love all of it.

Speaking of mash ups (yeah... totally didn't know that term prior to Glee), Glee had an awesome Christmas episode this year. They even did Wham (snicker). I found myself watching it intently, and then re-watching it, because I dvr'd it.

So... every time I find myself grooving to a Christmas tune I have to ask myself... is it Christmas music I hate? Or is it that I only hate it when it's not subliminally injected into my brain? You know what? I don't know... or even really care to some extent. It's just something I think about.
What's your favorite Christmas song... and why?

Yeah... I totally just laid an essay question on you.


  1. I too despise Christmas music but only because I am forced to listen to it 8 hours a day at work. They play different versions of the same lame songs over and over and over. The only exception are the artists that actually take the time to write original Christmas songs.(ie. Beach Boys) I have found a solution to prevent myself from going insane. IPOD. I wear my hood up so as to not get in trouble.

  2. First, I'm gonna say that I'm right there with you. It's not the Christmas music I hate though.. It's the fact that thanksgiving is now an afterthought and Christmas had become all about getting rather than about spending time with loved ones...

    Second, my favorite Christmas song? Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Why? It's beautiful... I love the rhythm and the words.. I always picture myself curling up in front of the fire with my boyfriend and just taking it all easy... :)

  3. Lynsey, The Christmas Song is a good one, I will admit. Rob... be careful. Don't get fired just because you want to keep your ears from bleeding.

  4. "Christmas spirit" is all about your own attitude. We're told that Christmas is this overblown gifting extravaganza, and its become normal to hate on Christmas because of it. I think its important to create your own traditions and make the holidays something you enjoy - it's a time of year to express love and gratitude to your loved ones, so retraining ourselves out of the gifting mentality is worth the effort.

    Christmas music, on the other hand, is an insidious tool used by marketers to be a CONSTANT reminder of the status quo of the holidays "BUY MORE. BUY MORE. BUY MOOOOOOOORE". It's pretty normal to let it get on your nerves. :)

  5. My all time favorite Christmas song is Let It Be Christmas by Alan Jackson. My family calls me a scrooge because I absolutely hate Christmas music but for some reason this song always puts a smile on my face and puts me in the Christmas spirit. And thank you, after I read your blog, I just had to go look this song up and listen to it!

    Love the Blog!!!!

  6. Favorite Christmas songs? My little brother singing Up on the Rooftop when he was about 5, my son singing the cowboy version of Jingle Bells (1982 I think), my daughter and her choir doing Carole of the Bells while Sarah and I accompanied with bobbing jingle antlers and of course my daddy singing White Christmas (in July of course). I LOVE Christmas music.

  7. I love Christmas music in the exact equal amount that I hate when a radio station plays ONLY Christmas music for weeks at a time. (There are only SO MANY versions of The Christmas Song I can stand in a 30 minute drive to the mall).

    That being said, hearing my daughter spontaneously break into Christmas songs this year brings an entirely new breath of life to each one. Her favorites right now (and thus mine) are Joy to the World and Frosty the Snowman. She also sings a mean Silent Night, Away in the Manger and Santa Clause is Coming to Town.
